Are You Happy - Share it

How to Be Truly Happy: Sharing Your Happiness with WhatsApp Statuses.

Feeling happy lately? Submit a WhatsApp status about it! Entering your quote is as easy as smiling when you see a baby laugh.

Once you’ve sent your status about happiness, other happy-go-lucky people or users who want to be cheered up can vote for your submission as the happiest quote in all the joyful land.

When you find out everyone chose your status as the happiest.

Everyone knows feeling happy feels better when you involve others. The only risk with that is people might kill your buzz, a convenient method to stay happy without risking losing your joy due to cheerless zombies around you is to submit a WhatsApp quote far away from everyone.

The Many Forms of Happiness

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes, here’s some happy moments we sometimes forget.

Calm Smiles

Expressing happiness usually makes us imagine someone laughing or dancing. But maybe you’re the kind of person who has a calm happiness flowing through you, like when you appreciate something from afar and feel joy inside.

Friendly Bullying

You’re supportive of your friends, but when you see them fall down or fail at something, sometimes you just can’t help yourself and just laugh at them.

Blissfully Lazy

You know when you never want to leave your bed but you have to hang out with people later.

plans are cancelled

Cherishing Happy Memories

Sharing sunny memories online is great because you give a second life to them since others will experience them now too. This child should have made a WhatsApp status about his happy summer before it went away.

Hopeful Happiness

Or how about the amazing feeling you get when your teacher says you may pass your class if you reach 51%.

Bottled Up Happiness

You know when someone is saying something you agree with so much that you can barely contain yourself because of how much you relate to them? Like when someone else also believes underwear should be optional on weekends.

Not Letting Bad Luck Make You Feel Less Happy

When you drop your food but you pick it back up before the 5-second rule.

There’s virtually an unlimited amount of things that can make you happy. We promise your submissions will not be judged, only celebrated, no one will react to your WhatsApp status like this.

Submit Your Happy Status Today

At this point, you must have been inspired by the examples above. Every type of happiness you’ve felt in your life counts, no matter how random it may seem. Submit your WhatsApp quotes about the things that have made you feel happy and be ready to find out when the most voted statuses will be out. Don’t forget; you can vote for happy quotes as well.