Send Us Your Funny Whatsapp Status Ideas

How to Use Funny WhatsApp Statuses Even If You’re The Least Funniest Person In The World.

Finally Being Funny For The First Time In Your Life

Are you funny? Maybe not, but you do want to trick people into thinking you are, right? The easiest way to do this is to submit the funniest WhatsApp quotes you can find and submit them to us.

Then you take part in our voting system for hilarious quotes this community finds. No one can be funny all the time, so think of our quotes as a trainer to workout your funny muscles. If everything works out, you will be funnier than our current champion, this guy.

watermelon funny guy

Look at that watermelon; he carved it perfectly to fit his head. He spent YEARS perfecting that watermelon to be as funny as he could be on his quotes. You think we’re lying? Here’s proof of what it took to become the funniest WhatsApp status user.

watermelon in the baby car seat

That watermelon (a metaphor for growing funny) was escorted safely everywhere it went. Making sure the watermelon was safe from boring statuses.

The watermelon is a metaphor for how sweet and juicy a funny quote can be, but how easily it can be crushed if a quote tells a joke that isn’t funny.

Reactions from Your WhatsApp Friends When They Read Your Non-Funny Statuses.

Aren’t you tired of boring statuses about things people don’t care about? Use a quotes wisely and bring cheer to your friends, as of right now, this is how your WhatsApp friends currently react when they read your quotes.

When you’re waiting for your friend’s reply when he sees your new status.

When your dad was at work and realized he raised the least funny child on WhatsApp, which is you.

When your girlfriend said you weren’t funny and your best friend witnessed you fighting with her.

When you were trying to push your friend to your phone to force him to read your new status.

Aren’t you tired of making people cry with your crappy sense of humour? We can tell from your face that even if you made a joke to a baby who hasn’t learned any words yet, they would still react to you like this.
crying child

With our help, babies around you will react more like this.

teeth baby

Reactions from Your WhatsApp Friends When Your Statuses Are Actually Funny.

That was disgusting. Now that we know how people react to you right now, let’s see how people react after you use our funny WhatsApp quotes.

When your older relatives read your funny status.

When your boyfriend is mad at you but he reads your new funny quote.

After using over 100 of our funniest statuses, you become The God of Funny and can make any two words hilarious. This is how you will reveal your new jokes to everyone.

So submit your funniest quotes to us and let the community vote to decide which ones are actually funny. Everyone’s taste in funny will always be different but being able to see which ones got the most votes is a democratic way to decide which ones are funny.

Now, run, RUN like these birds and tell your friends about this and submit them now!